How to Join Challenge Pools
You can easily join pools created by others that interest you and stake against them with these simple steps:
Last updated
You can easily join pools created by others that interest you and stake against them with these simple steps:
Last updated
On the Menu options on the left side when signed in, click on Challenge Pools. Alternatively, you can access Challenge pools from the Homepage and Dashboard.
The Challenge Pools page will open and show all the pools ranging from crypto, sports, politics and many more. You can sort out the pools by category, view your pools, matured pools and closed pools.
Typically, a Challenge Pool contains the information on the category of the pool, the amount required to stake on that pool, the number of people who have staked, time left for the pool to close, the total stake on the pool and the prediction topic.
You can also click the pool to open and view further details which include information on the number of people who predict Yes or No. Predict Yes if you agree to the prediction statement and Predict No if you disagree.
Click on either Predict Yes or Predict No to proceed. A confirmation dialog pops up and click Proceed to confirm.
You will get a success message to joining the pool and you can go on to view the pool or the transaction on the blockchain explorer. Kindly note that the maximum number of participants for a pool is 100.